副专家 保险金与科技金融公程教科研室 TEL: 86-20-84111473 EMAIL: liuych26@mail.cathaycentury.com教育背景
202两年6月至今已有,中山一本大学6686体育 技术学校,金融投资学传授202半年15月以来,6686体育 时6686体育 基地,副校长201七年16月至2020年时间内16月,中山读书6686体育 学校,院長叫助手2017年4月至202一年6月,中山大家6686体育 理工大学,经融学副专家2011年4月至2016年4月,中山本科大学6686体育 高校,金融业学助力硕士生导师(培训讲师)研究成果
《中国ETF期权Delta对冲收益的日夜特征研究》,(与 汤昊文,钱潮阳合作),《管理科学学报》,2024年第2期。
《互联网搜索对期权隐含波动率的影响:基于人工神经网络的分析》,(与 李星毅,朱书尚合作),《系统工程理论与实践》,2023年第7期。
American Option Sensitivities Estimation via a Generalized Infinitesimal Perturbation Analysis Approach,
with Nan Chen, Operations Research, 62 (3), 616-632. (2014) (UTD24, FT50)
Information Relaxation and a Duality-Driven Algorithm for Stochastic Dynamic Programs,
with Nan Chen, Xiang Ma and Wei Yu, Operations Research, in press. (2024) (UTD24, FT50)
On the Variance of Single-Run Unbiased Stochastic Derivative Estimators,
with Zhenyu Cui, Michael Fu, Jianqiang Hu, Yijie Peng and Lingjiong Zhu, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 32 (2), 390-407. (2020) (UTD24)
Media-expressed Tone, Option Characteristics, and Stock Return Predictability,
with Cathy Yi-Husan Chen, Matthias Fengler and Wolfgang Hardle, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 134, 104290. (2022)
Approximate Arbitrage-Free Option Pricing under the SABR Model,
with Nian Yang, Nan Chen, and Xiangwei Wan, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 83, 198-214. (2017)
Option-Implied Ambiguity and Equity Return Predictability,
with Chen Liu, Yiyao Chen and Xianming Sun,Journal of Futures Markets, 44, 1556-1577. (2024)
Sequential Itô-Taylor Expansions and Characteristic Functions of Stochastic Volatility Models,
with Kailin Ding and Zhenyu Cui,Journal of Futures Markets, 43, 1750–1769. (2023)
Robust Upper Bounds for American Put Options,
with Ye Du and Shan Xue, Journal of Futures Markets, 39 (1), 3-14. (2019) (Lead Article)
Index Futures Trading and Spot Volatility in China: a Semi-Parametric Approach with Range-Based Proxies,
with Na Tan, Yulei Peng, and Zhewen Pan, Journal of Futures Markets, 37, 1003-1030. (2017)
Single Transform Formulas for Pricing Asian Options in a General Approximation Framework under Markov Processes,
with Zhenyu Cui and Chihoon Lee, European Journal of Operational Research, 266 (3), 1134-1139. (2018).
A Blockchain and IoT-Based Information Infrastructure for the Carbon Credit Market in Chinese Automotive Sector,
with Yu Zhang and Duosi Zheng, Financial Innovation, provisionally accepted. (2024).
Vertical Merger, R&D Collaboration, and Innovation,
with Kaiguo Zhou and Runyu Yan, European Journal of Finance, 25 (14), 1289-1308. (2019)
Dynamic Analysis on Counterparty Exposures and Netting Efficiency of Central Counterparty Clearing,
with Lijun Bo and Tingting Zhang, Quantitative Finance, 21(7), 1187-1206. (2021)
Dynamic Risk-Sharing Game and Reinsurance Contract Design,
with Shumin Chen and Chengguo Weng, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 86, 216-231. (2019)
Too Costly to Make a Difference: An Examination on the Relationship between Online Financing and Economic Growth,
with Jiapin Deng and Wenyue Xiao, International Journal of Finance and Economics, in press. (2024)
Textual Analysis and Gold Futures Pirce Forecasting: Evidence from the Chinese Market,
with Yu Zhang and Xinyi Peng, Finance Research Letters, 69, 106116. (2024)
Does Digital Finance Reduce the Employment in the Finance Industry? Evidence from China,
with Jiapin Deng, Finance Research Letters, 48, 102994. (2022)
Can Network Structure Predict Cross-Sectional Stock Returns? Evidence from Co-attention Based Networks in China,
with Xi Chen, Wuyue Shangguan and Shichao Wang, Finance Research Letters, 38, 101422. (2021)
Integral Representation of Vega for American Put Options,
with Zhenyu Cui and Ning Zhang, Finance Research Letters, 19, 204-208. (2016)
Variance Comparison between Infinitesimal Perturbation Analysis and Likelihood Ratio Estimators to Stochastic Gradient,
with Zhenyu Cui and Ruodu Wang, Operations Research Letters, 50, 199-204. (2022)
Value of Inventory Pooling with Limited Demand Information and Risk Aversion,
with Weili Xue, Lijun Ma, and Meiyan Lin, Decision Sciences, 53(1), 51-83. (2022)
Value of Initial Coin Offerings in the Fashion Industry,
with Yulin Hu and Weili Xue, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, in press. (2022)
Optimal Procurement Strategies for Contractual Assembly Systems with Fluctuant Procurement Price,
with Yi Yang, Jianan Wang, Zhiyuan Chen and Frank Youhua Chen, Annals of Operations Research, 291, 1027–1059. (2020)
Risk Measures for Variable Annuities: a Hermite Series Expansion Approach,
with Zhenyu Cui, Jinhyoung Kim and Guanghua Lian, Journal of Management Science and Engineering, 4, 119-141. (2019)
Pricing Continuously Monitored Barrier Options under the SABR Model: a Closed-Form Approximaiton,
with Nian Yang and Zhenyu Cui, Journal of Management Science and Engineering, 2, 116-131. (2017)
The Substitutability of Non-Fossil Energy, Potential Carbon Emission Reduction and Energy Shadow Prices in China,
with Hualin Xie, Yanni Yu, and Wei Wang, Energy Policy, 107, 63-71. (2017)
The Energy Rebound Effects across China's Industrial Sectors: an Output Distance Function Approach,
with Ke Li and Ning Zhang, Applied Energy, 184, 1165-1175. (2016)
Environmental Catching-Up, Eco-Innovation, and Technological Leadership in China's Pilot Ecological Civilization Zones,
with Yanni Yu, Wenjie Wu, and Tao Zhang, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 112, 228-236. (2016)
Raising Capital for the Family Firm for Sustainability: Whence the Advantage?
with Dong Xiang, Yuming Zhang, and Andrew Worthington, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 151, 119822. (2020)
A Variant of L^#-Convexity and Its Application to Inventory Models with Batch Ordering,
with Zhiyuan Chen, Yi Yang, and Yun Zhou, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 31(6), 1-16. (2014)
Network Analysis to Uncover Stock Comovement from a Chinese Financial Portal,
with Wuyue Shangguan, Xi Chen, and Alvin Chung Man Leung, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2016 Proceedings, 302. (2016)
Sensitivity Estimation of SABR Model via Derivative of Random Variables,
with Nan Chen, Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference, 3871-3881. (2011)
《基金竞争与泡沫资产配置的同群效应研究》,(与 刘京军,熊和平合作),《管理科学学报》,2018年第2期。
《央行行长口头沟通的股票市场效应研究》,(与 林建浩,陈良源,宋迎合作),《管理科学学报》,2023年第2期。
《Lévy过程下金融期权风险对冲参数的模拟仿真估计》,(与 刘刚,谢金贵,崔振嵛合作),《中国科学技术大学学报》,Vol. 47,No. 3, 262-266。(2017)
《比特币交易市场的风险对冲功能研究》,(与 赵飞霞,陈南合作),《金融前沿》,Vol. 1,No. 1, 64-81。(2017)
《股指期货套期保值率的小波分析方法》,(与 王欣,方兆本合作),《预测》,Vol. 28,No. 6, 60-64。(2009)
为管理人组持一些科技研究创业项目:12. 國家生态科学学股权基金上面大型项目,2023.01-2026.12, 主持了,在研。11. 佛山市基本条件与技术应用基本条件钻研新建设项目专项计划(科技开发菁英“领行”新建设项目),2024.01-2026.12,成为,在研。10. 国内财经现货寄售所2023-5年度工作计划课程,2023.12-2024.05,支持人,在研。9. 西安商品种类战略合作所恒指及衍生产品品科研所2023-5年度地方政府战略合作课程,2023.05-2024.05,成为,在研。8. 中华期货交易业针灸学会第九五期联手深入分析打算科目,2022.05-2022.12,主特人,结题。7. 安徽商品期货购买所免押金的首批多对外谎称相互合作教学研究,2022.08-2022.12,节目主持,结题。6. 中山专科大学自由贸易区终合学习院2030年南沙区核心课题研究,2022.05-2022.12,主持了,结题。5. 我国期货交易业协会网站第十九四期整合论述工作计划过程,2021.05-2022.03,举办,结题。4. 6686体育 本科高职高专院校基本性科研管理服务费成年高中教师重大培肓业务,2019.01-2020.12,主管,结题。3. 杭州省信息化开发团队项目流程,子难题,2017.01-2019.12,举办,结题。2. 中山二本大学党中央高职高专院校常规科研项目业务流程费,2015.01-2017.12,成为,结题。1. 祖国自然生态地理学理财产品年轻的项目,2016.01-2018.12, 主管,结题。