Li XuehengLecturer/Assistant Professor
Economics EMAIL: lixueheng@mail.cathaycentury.comResearch Interests
Social and economic networks, behavioral game theory, applied microeconomic theory.Publications
1. Xueheng Li, Lucas Molleman, and Dennie van Dolder. "Do descriptive social norms drive peer punishment? Conditional punishment strategies and their impact on cooperation." Evolution and Human Behavior 42.5 (2021): 469-479. .
2. Xueheng Li. "Designing weighted and directed networks under complementarities." Games and Economic Behavior 140 (2023): 556-574. .
3. Siran Zhan, Liwen Zhang, Xueheng Li, and Yu Wu. "There's no going back? The influence of prior entrepreneurial experience timing on voluntary turnover in post-entrepreneurship wage employment." Personnel Psychology (2023),1–34. Advance online publication. .
Working Papers
1. Xueheng Li. "Indignation and the evolution of cooperation norms" (2024). R&R at Games and Economic Behavior.