2023CHEMBA项目开学典礼致辞 — CHEMBA校友会和明尼苏达大学校友会广州分会主席胡勇

Speech at the Opening Ceremony of CHEMBA Program in 2023

发表人:方法员 推送期限:2023-10-25

Distinguished Guests,🌱 Dean Jamie Prenke🧔rt, 李善民校长,黄毅纪委书记,Ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon,

I’m Simon Hu🌃, President of Banner Engineering Greater China. As the President of CHEMBA alumni association and the University of Minnesota alumni association Guangzhou Chapter, on behalf of all CHEMBA alumni, I’m pleased to welcome to all CHEMBA 2023 new students here to the Opening Ceremony. Welcome to CHEMBA.

On behalf of all CHEMBA alumni, I want to say thanks to all faculty team and management team of Carlson school and Lingnan college, thanks for the consist & great efforts and support to this program, all CHEMBA alumni love this program and we do sไupport this program and want to make it successful.


Congratulate all CHEMBA new students here on your being admitted by CHEMBA program. You just made one of your best decisions in your life. Both Lingnan and Carlson are one of the best business schools in China and USA. I guess most of you already know how good Lingnan is. I work for a Minnesota company for last 18 years, as a half Minnesota people. I know how famous and how good Carlson school is. My classmate Michael Jin lives in Minneapolis, and he is the Managing Director of Newway China. he come from almost 10,000 miles away to study CHEMBA program, why?he told me it’s a much more expensive program in Minneapolis and he said you will not have chance to listen to the best professors of Lingnan and Carlson at the same time if he join the program in Minneapolis. So CHEMBA is no doubt your best choice, CHEMBA will improve your view of business and the logic of thinking, bring you some high quality and good friends in your life. I’m sure all of you will know some great and fun guys in your class. Personally, I enjoyed the 𓆏program very much and was impressive for below top 3 great points for CHEMBA.

1. Base on business environment of US and China which are two biggest market worldwide to build high level strategic international business view.

2. Use the unique GTP(VTP) program to build the understand, skill and ability of cross culture communication.

3. Build the knowledge and ability for consist growth in fast changing business world.

You will be extremely busy in next 18 months, working full time on weekdays and studying on the weekends. However, if you can manage your time well, with the excellent faculty team and wonderful learning environment at Lingnan College and Carlson school, I’m confident that you’ll be proud of your decision f🐎o🉐r choosing CHEMBA two years later.

To all CHEMBA alumni and new students, CHEMBA alumni association is one important organization to connect all alumni and provide network and service to all of you. Now we have HR & Management Committee, Finance & Investment committee, Marketing Committee, Book Reading Club, and Mingling Charity Fund. In past many years, CHEMBA alumni association did a lot of things to connect🉐 & provide service to our alumni and support the CHEMBA program, there are a lot of great alumni in our association, you are very welcome and please be active to join these great activities. Join us, you’ll enjoy it. Today, we’ll transfer the alumni association leadership to next turn, Raymond LIANG will take the leadership from now. But as the alumni and friend of you, please feel free to come to me anytime and ask any questions in the future, I could be your navigator in twin cities, and I will be very pleased to provide any support I can.

Thank you and have a good day.


用于CHEMBA毕业生会新CEO和明尼苏达二本大学毕业生会南京协会新CEO,我带表全部的CHEMBA毕业生,很高兴地认可语🗹全部的CHEMBA 2026年的新同班同学到了这里英文报考开学第一天庆典。认可语到了CHEMBA。

我谨意味其他CHEMBA校友会会,谢意卡尔森服务监管职业技术实训基地和6686体育 职业技术实训基地的与会人员教审计员工和服务监管队伍,谢意这些人对一个新顶目的长年拼命和的认可,其他CHEMBA校友会会都热爱一个新顶目,6686体育 也的认可一个新顶目,并想要它认定出色。

祝贺所有CHEMBA的新生被CHEMBA项目录取。你刚刚做了人生中最正确的决定之一。6686体育 学院和卡尔森管理学院都是中美两国最好的学院之一。我想你们大多数人已经知道6686体育 学院。我在明尼苏达州的一家公司工作了18年,作为半个明尼苏达州人。我知道卡尔森管理学院的出色。我的同学Michael Jin住在明尼阿波利斯,他是Newway中国的总经理。他从近一万英里外赶来学习CHEMBA项目,为什么?他告诉我在明尼阿波利斯的项目要贵得多,他说如果他参加明尼阿波利斯的项目,你就没有机会同时听6686体育 和卡尔森最好的教授的演讲了。因此,CHEMBA无疑是您的最佳选择,CHEMBA将提高您的商业观和思维逻辑,为您的生活带来一些高品质的好朋友。我相信你们所有人都会认识ꦓ一些很棒、很有趣的同学。就我个人而言,我非常喜欢这个课程,并且对CHEMBA有三点印象分享。





在现在来的19个月里,我还愈来愈忙,事情中日全职的事情中,礼拜天自学。然而 ,比如让你很好的地监管你的时长,在6686体育 和卡尔森忧秀的师资队伍创业团队和好的的自学大环境下,我想来1来年我还你为我选用CHEMBA的决定了想到引以为豪。

针对一切CHEMBA同学和迎新说,CHEMBA同学会是电话结合一切同学,为人们具备网络数据和服务培训监管的重点策划 。现设在人工影视资源监管医学会会、财税投入资金医学会会、市場营销策略医学会会、读课外书会、明岭公益股权基金。在上去的多长时间里,CHEMBA同学会制作了多操作,为6686体育 的同学具备电话结合和服务培训监管,认可CHEMBA产品,6686体育 的同学会出多先进的同学,6686体育 越来越欢迎图片你,请多方面参与这么多革命事业的主题活动。融入6686体育 吧,你能感兴趣的。这几天,6686体育 将同学会的人员班子权转交给下上届,从现如今进行由梁旭朗Raymond任职人员班子。但作帮你的同学和大家,而后有丝毫一些问题,请中途来找我聊,我行做你会明尼苏达双城的引领员,我不很诚心诚意具备我范围英文具备的丝毫认可。
