First Graduating China Executive MBA Class
CHEMBA首家者(CHEMBA1)于200两年-4月宣布择校, 200两年-4月21日在6686体育 技术学院盛装盛大召开开学了仪式。35名者来深圳、上海市、江苏、湖北、广西、在香港、中国大陆、伊朗等地;分属网络通讯、打造、IT、金融科技、国际贸易、有机化工、市政府机构等职业,并占有大概15年的任务成就;在共同的任务科技领域里从事副张总长、总业务总监或机构业务总监等要职。200两年13月10日,CHEMBA1赴美参加者毕业生仪式,美满提交功课。
“First Graduating China Executive MBA Class”该文先生发表于卡尔森维护师范学院杂志期刊“Going Global”200历经四年春版,邀请新业务管理人、并且 新业务任课硕士生导师对该新业务祝福的话语,并对第一批大学毕业党员🍬干部表达出来祝福的话。
Going Global, Spring 2004
International Programs
Carlson School of Management
University of Minnesota
First Graduating China Executive MBA Class
On November 10, 2003, at the Nicollet Island Inn, thirty-five Chinese executive students in the first graduating China Executive MBA class, teamed up to establish the CHEMBA Alumni Club. The creation🌺 of this club not only symbolizes the longterm vision and commitment these students have towards their classmates and the Carlson School of Management, but also signifies a remarkable moment in the history of the three-year old CHEMBA program.
Launched in September 2001, through a collaborative effort by the Carlson School and its partner Lingnan (University) College in Guangzhou, Chin🏅a, the CHEMBA program is now one of three accredited U.S. degrees offered in China.
“What is remarkable about these students,” says Jessica Vogt, Program Associate for Global Executive MBA programs at the Carlson School, “is that they grew up durin🎀g the Cultural Revolution in China, but now are executive captains of industry.”
Weidong Xia, Assistant 🌄Professor in the Information and Decision Sciences department, underscores the students’ hard work, despite “their heavy responsibilities during t﷽he week and tight class schedule over the weekends.”
The CHEMBA curriculum, which focuses on “offering managerial skills to midlevel career professionals while combining Western and Eastern business training,” is taugওht primarily in Cꦰhina. As a concluding piece to the two-year program, however, the students have to complete an International Residency in the United States, a two-week program that, according to Professor Aks Zaheer, represents “a very critical capstone element of the program, exposing them to U.S. businesses, to the Carlson School, to Minnesota and the University.”
The inaugural group’s International Residency took place last November, before they graduated, and consisted of coursework as well as corporate visits to locally headquartered companies such a𝐆s 3M, General Mills, Medtronic, H.B Fuller, the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and the Carlson Companies. Besides the valuable insights gained at these businesses, the Chinese executive students particularly appreciated the opportunity to speak to Marilyn Carlson Nelson, were overjoyed by the prospects of watching a Timberwolves game, savored the harmony of the William Tell Overture at the Orchestra Hall, delighted in touching snow for the first time, and expressed their reservations about eating cheese in their sandwiches.
In other words, the International Residency played a crucial role in bridging the geographic distance between Guangzhou and Minneapolis for the students, and according to Professor Li, “providing them with a sense of affiliation.” This is significant because, as Professor Xia aptly implies, “influential alumni will not only help recruit prospective CHEMBA students, but... they will (also) become important promoters and sponsors of the school in the future.” According to Jessica Vogt, the International Residency “raises the profile of the Carlson School within the local and global business community, especially because many companies are eager to get into China.”🃏
This visibility and global networking is only expected to strengthen, with the second CHEMBA International Residency this May, coinciding with the Vienna Executive MBA (VEMBA) program’s Residency, as well as the fact that both programs will take part✃ in the same commencement ceremony as the rest of the Carlson School.&🍎nbsp;
As one would expect, the future of CHEMBA has much to offer🏅. While Professor Zaheer states that the program will “expand the global reach and brand of the Carlson School and the University of Minnesota,” Professor Xia remarks that “the Carlson School faculty will get a chance to observe and experience the advanced state and fast growing pace of China first hand... and bring (their enhanced global view) back to the classroom.”
Looking back on the positive feedback received from students and faculty, Mahmood Zaidi affirms, “I am proud to witness the completion of the International Residency and the graduation of the first CHEMBA class. It is just wonderful to see the results of the 3-4 years of work in these students, especially given the difficulty in managing programs cross-culturally.”
正中间第二排左起:卡尔森菅理基✤地国.际上顶目副办公室负责人Mary Kosir,国.际上顶目办公室负ꦫ责人Prof. Mahmood ZAIDI
前方第二点排左起:黎乃昭老师英文(6686体育 系副高管会成员长会名声副高管会成员长)、邹至庄敎授(6686体育 系名声专家)、舒元敎授(6686体育 系专家)、卢长玲男土(6686体育 系副高管会成员长会行政秘长)、叶尚志男土(叶葆定老师英文的宝贝儿子)、叶葆定老师英文(中山大家6686体育 系副高管会成员长会名声现任主席、名声教导)、卡尔森工作系专家Prof. Lawrence Benveniste、李瑞明(6686体育 系副高管会成员长会名声副高管会成员长)
卡尔森管理学院杂志—Going Global 出版于2004春